• Inda Corniawati



Salah satu metode keluarga berencana alamiah yang dapat digunakan adalah metode ovulasi billing’s. Metode ini mengandalkan pengamatan harian dengan indikator rasa pada vulva, sifat lendir yang keluar serta kerjasama suami isteri yang solid. Berdasarkan informasi dari para provider di Pusat Informasi MOB Malang selama bimbingan dan pendampingan seringkali menemui pelanggaran peraturan untuk pasangan suami isteri yang merencanakan kehamilan maupun yang membatasi kelahiran. Berdasarkan adanya pelanggaran tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui hambatan yang dihadapi oleh suami isteri akseptor KBA MOB. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan hambatan suami isteri melaksanakan keluarga berencana metode ovulasi billing’s. Rancangan yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif, pendekatan naturalistik. Subyek penelitian suami isteri akseptor KBA MOB di Kecamatan Lowokwaru Malang sejumlah 6 pasangan suami isteri.Pengumpulan data pihak isteri dilakukan wawancara mendalam sedangkan pihak suami dengan kuesioner pertanyaan terbuka guna keabsahan data dengan teknik triangulasi. Analisis hasil penelitian diperoleh gambaran tentang hambatan operasional suami yaitu bingung memahami perubahan masa subur dan tidak memahami catatan harian KB MOB, hambatan operasional isteri tahap pemula secara fisik sulit mengenali perubahan lendir dan membedakan perubahan rasa divulva. Aspek psikologis bingung, khawatir dan keraguan.Tahapan mantap secara fisik terjadi perubahan lendir dan perubahan rasa divulva tidak menentu. Aspek psikologis ragu, khawatir dan tidak telaten dalam pencatatan. Hambatan seksual pasangan suami isteri tahap pemula dan mantap pada suami sulit untuk menahan diri dan masa subur isteri terlalu panjang sedangkan isteri muncul gairah seksual saat masa subur, capek, tuntutan kewajiban dan pola kesuburan tidak menentu. Tahap transisi muncul gairah seksual suami isteri saat masa subur tapi tetap mentaati peraturan metode ovulasi billing’s. Teori substantif suami isteri membuat simbol/kode tersendiri sehingga mempermudah pelaksanaan KB MOB. Hambatan operasional fisik dan psikologis isteri akan berdampak pada kehidupan seksual dan pemahaman suami terhadap operasional KB MOB.

Kata kunci: Keluarga Berencana Alamiah, Metode Ovulasi Billing’s, Hambatan Operasional.


One of the natural family planning method that can be used is the method of billing's ovulation. These methods rely on daily observations with flavor indicators on the vulva, the nature of mucus, and the cooperation of conjugal solid. Based on information from the provider in Malang MOB Information Center for guidance and mentoring often find violations of the rules for married couples who are planning a pregnancy or are limiting births. Based on the existence of such violations to investigate the barriers faced by spouses acceptor KBA MOB. The research objective to describe the obstacles conjugal implement billing ovulation method of family planning's. The design is descriptive qualitative, naturalistic approach. The research subject of conjugal acceptor KBA MOB in Malang Lowokwaru District 6 couples isteri.Pengumpulan number of data depth interviews the wife while the husband with a questionnaire of open questions to the validity of the data with triangulation techniques. Analysis of the results obtained an overview of the operational constraints husband is confused to understand the changes in fertility and does not understand diaries KB MOB, operational constraints wife of the beginner stage is physically difficult to identify and distinguish the mucus changes divulva taste changes. Psychological aspects confused, worried and steady keraguan.Tahapan physically changes the mucus and changes in taste divulva erratic. Psychological Aspects of doubt, worry and no patient in the recording. Sexual inhibitions married couples and steady on the beginner stage it is difficult to resist the husband and wife fertile period is too long, while his wife appeared sexual arousal when the fertile period, tired, liability claims and fertility patterns erratic. Phase transitions appear conjugal sexual arousal when the fertile period but still obey the rules billing's ovulation method. Substantive theory of conjugal create symbols / codes of its own so as to facilitate the implementation KB MOB. Operational limitations of physical and psychological wife will have an impact on sexual life and understanding husband against KB MOB operations.

Keywords: Natural Family Planning, Billing Ovulation Method's, Operational Constraints
